Universal Basic Income: A roadmap for the elimination of poverty?
The idea of a basic income has been around a long time. Economists, philosophers and politicians have long debated how to abolish poverty. The 1945 Labour Government began this journey in earnest by establishing the welfare state; and it worked for many decades. It took the unemployed, those unable to work and those in low paid work out of poverty.
It worked reasonably well in a society where there was near full employment , strong trade unionism and a public commitment to the common good .
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The NHS was born in Wales: Will a UBI be our generation’s NHS?
The first Welsh Lab was founded in Cardiff on the 1st May 2020. Since then a national Lab and 3 further county and city Labs have been founded; making incredible progress in getting UBI on the table politically and into the public conscious across the country.
They will be doing the latest takeover of the Blog with perspectives from representative across the political spectrum in Wales and from each of the Labs and their CoFounders.
Here are some of the co-founders involved:
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Universal discredit: How our welfare system discriminates against women
Following 10 years of tory-driven austerity and the introduction of Universal Credit, our current welfare system fails to protect the most vulnerable women in our society. At present, according to the House of Commons Library 86% of austerity cuts have fallen on women. This is largely because men still disproportionately earn more than women, who therefore, are more likely to claim benefits that have experienced cuts, such as child tax credit. Now, more than ever, a drastic shift is needed so that our welfare system supports women in poverty
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Let's talk about women with no recourse to public funds
When Universal Basic Income is realised in the UK, our movement may have to reconcile with the fact that the universality we champion is only universal to some of the animals on the farm. Recently, I mused of how a Universal Basic Income could be the get out of poverty card for everybody - until I stopped myself when I thought of women seeking asylum.
The pandemic has shown how people living within our borders with “no recourse to public funds” (NRPF) were missed out of the safety nets implemented by the government.
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You can’t eat noble: Valuing mothers’ work
I run the Brighton-based Mothers Uncovered, which I set up due to my own experiences of feeling panicky and isolated after becoming a mother. We provide creative peer support groups for mostly new, isolated mums. All our activities are run by past participants, who are paid to run sessions; sometimes they, and others, are faintly surprised that the work is not voluntary.
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Motherhood, lockdown and Basic Income
Write something about motherhood and basic income, they said. Two topics that have occupied a significant amount of my mental energy for the last few years - and somehow, when I sat down to write this during the biggest global crisis of my life, I was choked by having so much and yet so little to say.
Because how can you possibly convey the reality of motherhood in lockdown? The thousand giddy triumphs and crashing failures that propel you through days both endless and far too short to ever achieve anything.
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When I look at the future - Bea Bannister on UBI
Hi, my name is Beatrice, I’m a student from London I’m just about to begin my a-levels and I’m honoured to be speaking at this event this evening alongside such incredibly inspiring, better qualified and long term supporters of a basic income. I believe I first learnt about a UBI at the age of 11 when Nathalie Bennett, who was then the leader of the green party, mentioned it on a visit she paid to my school. I find it hard to believe that five years later I am speaking alongside the current leader of the green party and two other, such accomplished speakers.
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Building back fairer: Why women need a UBI
UBI Lab Womxn was the second non-geographical Lab in the Network.
They will be doing a week long takeover of the Blog this week.
Here are some of the co-founders and those involved:
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Universal Basic Income can help regional development
Interest in Universal Basic Income UBI is often found in metropolitan areas among those in the gig economy. However, for those of us far removed from London, it could be the clearest means of remaking our regions.
Basic Income is a national citizens’ dividend. It’s the return on our tax and other investments that we make as a country. It removes the unfairness that many hardworking people feel about others receiving money when they themselves do not. Universal benefits and services like the NHS bring us all together and support us when we need it most.
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Youth Poverty: The need for a Basic Income
A Universal Basic Income would create opportunities for young people right across the UK who have become unemployed and who face financial hardship because of coronavirus. As of mid-August, over 700,000 people in the UK have lost their jobs due to the negative economic impact of the virus. The majority of those that have lost work have unfortunately been young people…
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Why is a Basic Income good for the environment?
The likelihood of Universal Basic Income (UBI) becoming a reality in the United States looks promising. The Climate breakdown is still happening. It’s not going to stop unless we do something about it. We can’t carry on as we are and just hope the problem goes away. It’s a monumental challenge for humanity to confront, and it’s going to require drastic change in every area of society.
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Liberal Democrats to make Basic Income party policy
Op-ed by Jane Dodds - Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats
As conference season arrives we have a unique opportunity to pass a policy that in the 21st Century is part of the essential foundations of a more liberal future for our country – that policy is a Universal Basic Income.
Supported by our new leader and pioneered by the late great Paddy Ashdown the time for the Liberal Democrats to take the step and be a main political party backing a Basic Income is now.
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Tell Marcus Rashford to back a Basic Income
In June, England forward and newly-crowned national treasure Marcus Rashford single-handedly forced a U-turn from the government on free school meals during the summer holidays.
While the school meal vouchers are, to use Rashford's words, a much-needed sticking plaster, the policy does not address the root causes of poverty: inequality and insecurity.
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UBI in America
The likelihood of Universal Basic Income (UBI) becoming a reality in the United States looks promising. The Presidential Election happening on November 3rd will be essential for the continuing momentum for UBI in the United States. Establishing a respectable floor during the pandemic will be essential to restoring the U.S. economy. With Coronavirus running rampant millions have lost their jobs and income.
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Why do young people need a UBI?
UBI Lab Youth was the first non-geographical Lab in the Network.
They believe in a UBI could be a way to drastically improve the lives of people across the country and coming out of this crisis could be their generation's equivalent of the introduction of the NHS.
Meet five of the co-founders.
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UBI Lab Interview on Alexis Conran - Times Radio
Jonathan Williams being interviewed by Alexis Conran on his new weekend afternoon - Times Radio - show for the UK, on the newly launched station from the Times and Sunday Times newspapers.
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UBI Lab Interview on Phil Williams - Times Radio
Patrick Brown, Jonathan Williams and Guy Standing being interviewed by Phil Williams on his new evening show - Times Radio - show for the UK, on the newly launch station from the Times and Sunday Times newspapers.
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Why tradespeople, small business owners and the self-employed can benefit from UBI
The Spanish Government has committed to introducing a trial of Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is a regular payment to all adult citizens intended to provide security and predictability to recipients. The first response of many hard working people is that this is just another example of idleness being rewarded.
But this is different. This is a citizens’ dividend for hardworking, entrepreneurial and aspirational people, including those who…
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An Introduction to Basic Income Plus
Authors: Caroline Richardson (lead author) & Dr Simon Duffy
This short paper describes radical reform of the welfare system:
• Everyone gets a secure basic income
• People who faces extra costs gets additional bolt-on allowances
This idea is called Basic Income Plus or UBI+
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Basic Income Motion
This CLP notes with interest the results of the Basic Income trial in Finland. In the basic income experiment, 2,000 unemployed persons were paid a monthly tax-exempt basic income of 560 euros regardless of any other income they may have had or whether they were actively looking for work. The basic income recipients were selected through random sampling among those who in November 2016 received an unemployment benefit from Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland).
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