Liberal Democrats to make Basic Income party policy

20-08-27 Lib Dems for UBI - Lib Dem.jpg

“The time for a Basic Income has arrived. In a world with growing uncertainty and inequality we need to invest in everyone and unlock freedom.

Young people across the country need to grow up in a world where they can become the best version of themselves and a Basic Income would provide the security so they can do just that.

A Basic Income is the essential foundation for a liberal future.”

Jack Haines - UBI Lab Hull

Jack Haines - UBI Lab Hull


Op-ed by Jane Dodds - Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats

As conference season arrives we have a unique opportunity to pass a policy that in the 21st Century is part of the essential foundations of a more liberal future for our country – that policy is a Universal Basic Income.

Supported by our new leader and pioneered by the late great Paddy Ashdown the time for the Liberal Democrats to take the step and be a main political party backing a Basic Income is now.

We know that Coronavirus has lifted the lid on the widespread financial insecurity that hardworking people and families have to deal within the UK. For many – from freelancers to those on zero-hours contracts – there is simply no meaningful safety net in place for times of crisis. This fundamentally undermines everything we believe in, and everything we want to achieve.

Our message is the Liberal Democrats can provide the basic financial security everyone needs in these testing times with a Basic Income. It would be a fair simple way to do what us liberal do best – empower people to dream big and reach their full potential.

As Liberal Democrats, we believe in the essential goodness of humankind – that, given the opportunity, in most circumstances, most people will choose to do good rather than harm. That’s why we believe putting power in people’s hands is the best way to a good society.

But when we feel insecure, when our livelihoods are threatened and we look to the future with fear, we all struggle to hold to these values. Fear leads to anger, and anger leads to hate. Liberal ideas can never thrive in a culture of fear.

That’s why Basic Income is the essential foundation for a liberal future: it is the best, fairest, and simplest way to eliminate insecurity. It reaches everyone. It stigmatises no one. It is easy to administer.

Together, if we champion a liberal Basic Income we can invest in everyone and free people from the shackles of poverty and insecurity that has plagued our nation for far too long.

To support and follow the progress of the proposed policy please follow Lib Dems for Basic Income on Twitter.

More about the author

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Jane Dodds - @DoddsJane

Leader of Welsh Lib Dems and former MP for Brecon and Radnorshire. | Arweinydd Dem Rhydd Cymru ac cyn AS Aberhonddu a Sir Faesyfed.

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