“بالنسبة لي اجوف انه سلاح ذو حدين. ممكن انه هذي المبلغ يساهم في انه يطلع وايد ناس من
فقر وديون ومشاكل مالية ويعيشه مرتاح البال على الاقل ما يحاتي قوت يومه ويلهمه بان يقوم
بعمل يحبه فبذلك تكون الحرية فيحلق بإبداعه،
وممكن ان يعتمد على المبلغ ويتكاسل وما يسوي اي شي في حياته دام متوفر له مبلغ طول عمره
يعتمد عليه. نفس لما الام تتم تعطي وتعطي وتعطي للولد لين ما يكبر ويصير معتمد عليها وحتى
بعد ما يستلم معاش يصرفه على اتفه الاشياء ويرجع يتسلف منها لانه معاشه كمل وهذي واقع
شفته في حياة اشخاص من حولي فبذلك ذي المبلغ بيسجنه في عالم محدود مايعرف يطلع منه”
“It could be a double-edged sword. This amount of money can contribute to lifting people out of poverty, debts, and financial problems, live with peace of mind, at least without worrying about their basic sustenance, have the freedom to get inspired and and do what each person loves most. Thus, the amount will help a person soar up high in creativity and financial freedom.
But also think that a person who depends on a basic amount can be lazy and achieve less in life. It is like some mothers when they continue paying for their children. These children can grow and become fully dependent on their parent financially. Even if they get a job and received a salary, they can spend it on trivial things. After that, they return to their parent to borrow more money. This is a reality that I have witnessed myself. In this case, this amount can be debilitating; imprisoning a person in a limited world that’s hard to leave.”