‘We need radicalism to knit our humanity back together again': The case for a universal basic income
READ HERE - Article by Georgina Trace
ALEX CULVIN, member of UBI Lab Network, tells Georgina Trace how a Universal Basic Income in the UK could emancipate women and provide financial security during the coronavirus pandemic
ONE WAY out of the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus and the government's mishandling of the crisis is to introduce a universal basic income (UBI), an unconditional monthly salary paid to every individual.
Though Labour’s previous shadow chancellor John McDonnell had indicated the party would be up for experimenting with UBI, his successor Anneliese Dodds last week indicated that Labour would not be considering it at the next election. But why not?
UBI Lab Network “is a worldwide network of citizens, researchers, activists and campaigners exploring the potential of universal basic income.”