Reinhard Huss - CoFounder and Chair

Reinhard is the Chair of UBI Lab Leeds and is a medical doctor, an expert in International Public Health and retired University of Leeds teacher. He believes a UBI would promote health, relieve the stress of financial insecurity, as well as transforming our democracy and creating a more equitable society.

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Matt Saunders - CoFounder

Matt is a founder of a social enterprise which provides technology support to charities. He believes that a UBI would support entrepreneurship, by giving people a financial cushion upon which to innovate and try new ideas. He also believes it will become necessary as our society adapts to automation.

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Jonny Ross-Tatam - CoFounder

Jonny has been a passionate campaigner for many years. He believes we should have a UBI, because basic financial security should be a right to all. Greater financial security would also have transformative benefits on individuals, their families and their communities across the country.

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 UBI Lab Leeds: Website | Twitter