UBI Lab LBGTQ+, Worldwide
We founded UBI Lab LGBTQ+ to provide the queer perspective on Universal Basic Income that's been missing from the movement so far.
How would a UBI help teenagers who have to leave home because of their sexuality or gender identity? How would income security help trans folk pay for a Gender Recognition Certificate? How will it close the LGBTQ+ pay gap? These are the questions we want to explore.

UBI Lab Lambeth, London - UK

UBI Lab Food, UK
Our aim is to build a community of people and organisations interested to explore the role of UBI in supporting a food system transformation. This blog is a space where we share insights, stories, and updates about our projects, research, and events. Join us in the journey towards a more sustainable and equitable food system.

UBI Lab Stroud
A citizen-led group, exploring & advocating for Universal Basic Income in Stroud. Founders Adrian, Chloe, Emma & Will.

UBI Lab Kenya