Get involved

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Join or start a UBI Lab

A UBI Lab is a citizen-led group seeking to explore and advocate for Universal Basic Income. UBI Labs are themed by location or by lived experience.

Check out our existing Labs. If you'd like to join one of our Labs, get in touch.

If there isn't already a Lab where you are or relevant to your lived experience, why not start one? If you would like to start a UBI Lab where you are or for your community, fill in this form.


Write to your representatives about Universal Basic Income

Writing to your elected representatives is a really powerful way to support Universal Basic Income. This is because representatives are more likely to people who live in their own constituencies.

This could include your MP, or members of the Welsh Senedd, the Scottish Parliament or the Northern Ireland Assembly if you live there.

You can find contact details for your representatives on the website WriteToThem.

You can use our resources to put together your case for a UBI:

Add your voice to the campaign

We'll only win a Universal Basic Income if we campaign hard for it.

You can help by amplifying the campaign on social media and in real life.

Follow the UBI Lab Network on Twitter and Facebook. Sharing our posts will help us reach a wider audience who have not yet heard about UBI.

Even better, create your own content on social media calling for a Universal Basic Income. Sharing your lived experience and explaining how a UBI would change your life is a powerful way to campaign. Use the hashtags #LetsTryUBI to link your posts to the campaign.

We also have a collection of campaign materials that you're free to use, online and offline.


Do you have 20 seconds to support UBI today?

Retweet one of the tweets below to help the campaign.

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