Senedd Plenary - Member Debate on Universal Basic Income

Plenary - Wednesday, 30th September 2020 from 13.30hrs

Member Debate under Standing order 11.21 (iv) Universal Basic Income (UBI) - 16:27hrs


NDM7384  Jack Sargeant (Alyn and Deeside)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes:

a) the damage poverty does to life chances and that work is no longer a guaranteed route out of poverty;

b) that the pandemic has forced more people into poverty with increasing numbers of residents having to turn to charitable support like food banks;

c) that, even before the pandemic, UK growth was poor and we face the growing challenge of automation, placing increasing numbers of jobs at risk;

d) that a universal basic income (UBI) gives people more control over their lives, would alleviate poverty and have an accompanying positive affect on mental health;

e) that a UBI would create jobs and encourage people to access training opportunities; 

f) that a UBI allows people the space to become more involved in their community and support their neighbours.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government:

a) to establish a UBI trial in Wales;

b) to lobby the UK Government for funding to establish a Wales-wide UBI.

Supported by: Adam Price | Alun Davies | Bethan Sayed | Dai Lloyd | Dawn Bowden | Helen Mary Jones | Huw Irranca-Davies | Jenny Rathbone | John Griffiths | Leanne Wood | Mick Antoniw | Mike Hedges | Rhianon Passmore | Sian Gwenllian

The result was as follows: For: 28 / Abstain: 10 / Against: 13 / Total: 51

The motion was agreed.

LetsTryUBI - Wales Leap forward.jpg
Jonny Douglas