Help get candidates across the UK to support UBI trials
Image credit - Arnaud Jaegers
We need your help.
After the success of our Mayoral, Welsh and Scottish pledge campaigns last year, we're once again asking candidates standing for election across the UK to support UBI trials.
On 5 May voters in England, Wales, and Scotland will pick who they want to run their local services, and voters in Northern Ireland will choose their new executive.
We want elected representatives across the country to commit to working cross-party to support piloting Universal Basic Income in their communities.
Please call on your candidates to support the pledge and use the tools for social media and email to share with others, encouraging them to do the same.
There is a form for candidates to sign and a supporting public call to encourage them to do so for each pledge.
For the 2022 elections we have four pledge campaigns running:
UK-wide Local Councillor Pledge
How to help
Click the links, add your name and use the tools to help make 5 May the biggest day for UBI the UK has ever seen.
2022 UK elections
London - all seats in the 32 London boroughs are up for election.
England - more than 4,000 councillors in 146 councils are up for election in major cities including Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham. 1,000 parish councils will also be electing about 10,000 councillors.
Wales - all seats in the 22 local councils will be contested.
Scotland - all seat in the 32 local authorities will be contested.
Northern Ireland - will elect 90 members to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
Thank you for your ongoing help and support.