Steering Group formed to explore UBI trials in Northern Ireland

A ground-breaking new group has been established to explore the feasibility of Universal Basic Income (UBI) trials in Northern Ireland.

2020 was a landmark year for Universal Basic income in Northern Ireland, with 6 of its 11 local councils passing motions calling for trials of UBI in their area, and parties across the political spectrum calling for the idea to be tested.

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Jonny Douglas
LGBTQ+ Perspectives on UBI: Healthcare

When we think of LGBTQ+ people, we might think of Pride; of people living their truth, out and proud. 24% of respondents to the UK government’s LGBT National Survey in 2017 however felt unable to live openly even at home. Outwardly it may seem like a person’s physical safety remains intact when they stay in the closet, hidden from plain sight. But the mental anguish of a person struggling with issues of sexuality and gender identity, ranging from depression to gender dysphoria, is only worsened by the hiding of their identity. Not only are they tormented by this inner secret, unsure of how others might react or terrified as they know it won’t be positive, it also makes it harder to access the targeted mental and physical healthcare they need.

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Jonny Douglas
UBI can help LGBT+ people and it’s on its way

If you’re reading this piece, then you’re probably at least curious about Universal Basic Income (UBI) and its potential to change society. Many of the arguments for and against it are increasingly well rehearsed - giving workers autonomy, ending poverty. But there are some aspects where the conversation is only just beginning: Namely, that UBI while UBI has the potential to help people right across society, it could be especially transformational for LGBT+ people.

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Jonny Douglas
Supporters or Saviours?

I want to look at the relationship between the LGBTQ+ community and its allies, and consider this in the context of Universal Basic Income.

I was lucky enough to visit Edinburgh before the first lockdown in March 2020. I was indulging in one of my favourite activities, book shopping, when I came across a wonderful text by Mimi Marinucci called Feminism is Queer. In Chapter 9 "Questionably Queer? From straight allies to queer solidarity" Marinucci explores the idea that there’s a problematic side to being an ally.

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Jonny Douglas
LGBTQ+ Perspectives on UBI: Security

Massive strides have been made worldwide by the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) community. We have seen marriage equality blossom all over the planet, and rights for transgender citizens grow tremendously in recent years. Despite these victories, LGBTQ+ people still live in unsafe and insecure environments even in the UK, a country at the forefront of LGBTQ+ rights.

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Jonny Douglas
Including immigrants and refugees in our push for a UBI

The political debate in Leeds has led to cross-party support and a council motion for trialling Universal Basic Income (UBI) in our city. While local political support is essential, it needs to be matched by a public demand for UBI in order to pressure Westminster to approve a trial. This debate should include our diverse immigrant and refugee communities. The demand for UBI is urgent in light of Covid-19 and the pressing economic and social hardships of many people in our city.

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Jonny Douglas
UBI and Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a global problem that persists across all levels of society. Despite attempts by governments and NGOs to address it through legislation and activism, abusive relationships and traumatic experiences continue. The same reasons why people cannot leave come up again and again. These include shame, denial, lack of self-confidence, and fear for safety. But the most common reason why victims of domestic abuse do not leave these relationships is because of their economic dependency on an abusive partner.

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Jonny Douglas
The pathway to a fairer, more equitable society

As a key recommendation in my Future Generations Report 2020, I see a basic income as a pathway to a fairer, more equitable society free from the shackles of discrimination and means testing. Freedom of choice and security of income are basic rights in modern society and a basic income would provide so many individuals and households with the means not only to survive, but to flourish and grow.

The importance of creating the Wales we want is unparalleled as we build back from a time of collective hardship, stress and sacrifice.

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Jonny Douglas
We were a centre for the industrial revolution, why not be at the heart of the social one too?

If ever there was a time to trial a universal basic income, this is it.

Furlough is almost at an end. Further redundancies are on the horizon. Rental evictions are inevitable. Many small businesses are considering shutting their doors for good. The absence of a financial support package for the excluded three million will continue to be felt as we head into winter and find ourselves in localised lockdowns. The pressure which will be placed on an already failing welfare system will be too much for it to cope.

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Jonny Douglas
A solution to help us tackle decades of economic decline in the valleys

On 21st December 1990, the miners at Maerdy Colliery went to work in the mine for one last time after losing the battle to save their livelihoods. This deindustrialisation had a stark impact across the valleys which is still being felt today. A steady source of income for miners to support themselves and their families, was gone, and the community resilience began to crumble with no significant investment to take its place.

30 years on, our communities are facing a multitude of crises, simultaneously. As I am writing this, people across RCT are living in a local lockdown due to the public health emergency of COVID-19.

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Jonny Douglas
Better is Possible

The ongoing Covid crisis has exposed the serious structural and systemic flaws in our society and highlighted the obscene and growing levels of inequality that are destroying our communities. The coming severe financial recession, a recession that will be made all the worse here in the UK by the predictable chaos of a no deal Brexit crash out, will impact heavily on these communities, leaving the weakest and poorest even more vulnerable while the UK government talks of plans to introduce even more damaging austerity under cover of the crisis.

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Jonny Douglas
I’m the great granddaughter of a miner - UBI Lab Gwynedd

Gwynedd, an incredible county where you can walk for miles along the stunning North Wales coast, go inland and climb the highest mountain in Wales or spend the day shopping in an urban town or city. From the University City of Bangor where term time the population doubles, to the historic royal town of Caernarfon where nothing beats sitting along the eastern shore of the Menai Straight eating ice cream, or maybe you’d rather learn about the rich slate mining history in the villages of Bethesda, Llanberis, or Blaenau Ffestiniog. The county truly is magnificent and has something for everyone.

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Jonny Douglas
Covid has changed everything - it's time for big ideas

Who could have predicted the events of the last few months? A new virus, hundreds of deaths. Many people ill in hospital. Who could have foreseen the economic impact with thousands losing their jobs and hundreds of businesses struggling?

Travel restrictions across Wales have meant that many people have been unable to visit loved ones and so many have missed out on that hard-earned summer break abroad because of quarantine rules.

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Jonny Douglas
Senedd debate on a Universal Basic Income

Today, I will lead a debate in the Senedd on a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for Wales. When I tabled the motion, I received an incredible amount of positive responses both on social media and via email. So many people took the time to email me, to show support and to ask questions, they genuinely wanted to know more about a UBI.

Why is this? The idea of a Universal Basic Income is not a new one. None of the political parties looking to claim it as their own can claim ownership of the idea. I think it is because there is an increasing recognition that even before the COVID crisis, our economy was failing to provide the opportunities and the jobs that met people's ambitions and basic needs.

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Jonny Douglas
Covid has laid bare just how broken our system is - we must do better

The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare the extent of poverty and inequality in our society. It has also exposed the inadequacies of our welfare system to act as a safety net for people, from the insufficient level and restrictiveness of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) to the five week waiting time for Universal Credit (UC).

As we emerge from lockdown we are facing a very damaging recession, as well as ongoing economic insecurity and a climate emergency. We must grasp this moment and do everything we can to achieve fairer and more resilient society and economy.

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Jonny Douglas
A key foundation to building back better

Imagine on the 1st of every month money arrived in your bank account – no strings attached. The money would always be there for you regardless of your income, wealth or employment status. It was money paid to you for simply existing and you could spend it how you wished.

Imagine people on low incomes no longer having to worry about whether they should spend the money they’ve earned on staying warm or eating. Imagine people in precarious jobs, such as those on zero hour contracts, no longer having to worry about whether they’ll be given enough hours next week. Imagine people who hate they’re job being able to quit and take the time to find out what they really want to do

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Jonny Douglas
Making tomorrow a better place

Sophie Howe is the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales; her role is to make tomorrow in Wales a better place and ensure that what politicians do now doesn’t hurt the population of the future. We are unique here in having legislation - the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 [1] - which ensures the Senedd and public bodies think about the long-term impact of their decisions. On May 13th of this year, she came out in favour of a Universal Basic Income following the publication of the results of a research study of the Finnish 2 year old pilot [2]. The study found that people were happier, had greater trust in others and higher level of confidence in the future.

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Jonny Douglas
Bringing Basic Income into focus in Wales

Looking back over the past 6 months it’s difficult to know where to start. So, I’ll start from the very beginning.

The first Welsh Lab was UBI Lab Cardiff. Liam Richards and I set it up on the 1st of May 2020 after a conversation we had about becoming more than just armchair admirers of what was pretty much a crackpot idea just a few years ago. I remember telling Liam about the policy after reading Malcolm Torry’s book Money For Everyone some 7 years ago. We were flatmates at the time and both of us were workplace representatives for the GMB. It didn’t take long to convince him it was a great idea; and on that occasion it had nothing to do with my powers of persuasion (wink) and everything to do with it being an incredible policy.

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Jonny Douglas